Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom – Spoiler free review

Yesterday afternoon, my mother, sister and I went to go see “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” and we were not disappointed.

The movie was action packed and the first few minutes got my heart pounding. There are twists in the movie that I certainly would not have guessed at all. The books lore is slightly alluded to at some point.

Throughout the movie I kept guessing (and at times, correctly) who would die. At this point in a Jurassic Park movie, you know Rexie is going to eat at least ONE person. My sister and I agree that it is Blue who is the hero of the movie. She has to be my favourite character.

Isabella Sermon did an excellent job portraying Maisie Lockwood and expressed a lot of talent for an actress so young, especially since this appears to be her first time in a film (according to IMDb).

Both my sister and I enjoyed Claire’s character development and I felt a bit disappointed at Owen at first in the beginning but he soon rounded out. I loved getting to see the footage of Owen and a young Blue. I loved the performance that Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt gave us. I’m just glad that Claire ditched the high heels in this film #NoHeels2018

The Music was absolutely epic. It hit at just the right moments and really carried through the movie well. I also feel compelled to tell you this: watch till the end of the credits. There is an after credits scene, that, while short, helps emphasize the importance of a decision at the end of the film. It’s rather short but when you realize what it could mean for the future, it seems like it could mean a lot. The credits are really long and I’m not saying that you must do this, I’m just saying we did and if you want to, you can too.

When we left the theatre we all made joking references to mess with the people going into the theatre, things like: “I can’t believe they did a song and dance number!” “I didn’t mind the singing and dancing, it was the lyrics on screen that really bothered me…” “I can’t believe they killed Barney!” “I can’t believe they killed <character name>!” (the character we named didn’t actually die in the movie)

Since I don’t want to give too much away, I’m going to end this review here with this: This movie is one of the best of the year and I want to see it several more times before it leaves theatres. My family and I enjoyed getting to see it and I cannot wait for Jurassic World 3 (planned for release in June 2021).

Next planned movie review: Incredibles 2 (hopefully coming soon)

P.S Just today, my family and I were at the mall and my sister and I got “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” Build-a-Bears!

Image result for Jurassic World fallen kingdom T-Rex build a bear

Image from: https://bluewater.co.uk/articles/new-jurassic-world-collection-build-bear-workshop

Happy Mother’s Day

Today is the day that we celebrate one of the most important people in our lives: our moms.

My mom has cared for me since I was little. She and Dad raised me to be the person I am today. She has shared her favourite music with me and has helped me with Literature class and in drawing. It was from her that I got my eyes and my love of chocolate. Without her I would not be whom I am today.

She is strong; she has dealt some losses and hardships in the past and gotten through them. I yearn to have that strength that she has.

Today my family and I got to enjoy the beauty of the Como Zoo and Conservatory and two cameras were drained of their batteries. When we got home my mom got to enjoy the cake my sister baked. I don’t know where I’d be without her.

So today, be sure to tell your mom how you feel and show your appreciation for her.Β  So to all moms out there: Thank you for always being there.

carnation vase-500x500

Photo found at: https://www.floristchennai.com/carnations-in-vase

Fun fact: Carnations are the official flower of Mother’s Day!


I didn’t know I needed this till now: Scoobynatural

photo from: http://ew.com/tv/2018/03/15/supernatural-hot-topic-scoobynatural-merchandise/ scoobynatural.jpg

We just got to watch the very weird but very fun episode of Supernatural. By the title of this post you can tell which one.

My sister and I want more episodes like this: fun, played for laughs, and really overall enjoyable, and more crossovers. Like… Sam and Dean meet Nancy Drew (I mean, come on! Supernatural and the Ghost of Thornton Hall would be AWESOME!!! seriously… someone draw that….).

This episode took an unexpected turn and there is a bit of 4th wall breaking. I don’t want to give too much away (you should watch it for yourselves) but it was hilarious. WE were geeking out the whole time. Castiel nearly stole the show. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode and I hope to see more crossovers in the future. (Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, THEM! [the 1954 film], The Screaming Skull, IT, seriously… there is so much they could do….)

– A.B

The Crimes of Grindelwald (Trailer and some theories)

This week we have gotten a new trailer for Fantastic Beasts The Crimes of Grindelwald, and it is amazing!


Now a tweet from J.K. Rowling herself (I can’t find the tweet) stated that Newts patronus would be a big spoiler for the film. So when does he use his patronus? Well, here’s my theory:

With Grindelwald being sent to Azkaban for the crimes he’s committed (looking at the 1:26 mark of the trailer) he will be guarded by a very specific creature:

A swarm of Dementors arrive at the Quidditch Match.

image from pottermore.com

The Dementors.Β  I think we all know what specific spell repels them too…Β  The Patronus Charm. If you look at 1:39 of the video, you see Newt and his brother casting a spell, that (looking at the light on Newts forehead is blue/silver like a patronus charm) could be the patronus charm (although in the shots before and after this they are performing other kinds of spells so I could very well be wrong).

It could also be that he uses the patronus charm to warn Tina, Dumbledoor, the Ministry, or Jacob (Or someone else) as we know the patronus charm has the ability to carry messages.

Anyway, that’s just my theory, we’ll have to wait for the movie to see if I’m right or if I’m wrong.

Here are a few other videos I found that contain theories. One by the Super Carlin Brothers hints that the snake girl in fantastic beasts could be Nagini or that Credence is related to Bellatrix LeStrange! They’re pretty interesting so you should check them out.

The Last two are by Seamus Gordon and they’re pretty good too! He has a lot of Harry Potter videos and I suggest checking them all out.

One question I’m left with is: Will we get to see Ilvermorny at some point? I mean… Tina and Goldie DID go to Ilvermorny… maybe we’ll finally get to see the North American School of Witchcraft and Wizardy?

So what theories do you guys have? Share them in the comments below and talk to you later!


(featured image taken from Pottermore)

I just keep taking longer to write posts huh?

Hey guys, I’m sorry that it’s been taking so long for me to write posts. Life has been hectic, as I’ve mentioned before.

I hope everyone had a nice Valentines day (I’m still single but I am good with that) and I want to say happy birthday to both of my sisters, Mag who had her birthday earlier this week and Maria whose birthday is nearly upon us.

Since there isn’t much that I have to write about, I think I will tell you guys about the Black Panther. No spoilers, but I do want you guys to go and see it. It has amazing visuals and the story will bring you to the edge of your seat (it did with me!).

One of my favourite aspects was the sibling relationship between T’Challah and his little sister. It felt real. It felt like a real relationship between siblings (and as someone who has 2 older siblings, I know how they can go). The dynamic between the characters felt real, something that not all films can portray easily.

I can’t go much further without spoiling things, so I’ll have to stop there… and recommend a series instead!

Trollhunters! On Netflix! It’s by Dreamworks and is absolutely amazing. With realistic characters, an amazing protagonist, brilliant storylines, wit and charm and beautiful visuals, this is one of Dreamworks best series (side by side with “Dragons”, which is heavily referenced throughout the series). I highly recommend watching it. (I seriously can’t say much without spoiling anything! Though Draal, Claire, Jim and Aaarrrgghh!!! are easily some of my favourite characters, though the others are not bad πŸ™‚ )

I wish I had more to write, but sadly I do not. I wish all of you goodnight and a happy Friday.


Anne Bell

Long time no chat

Hi everyone!.. um how are you guys?

Look, I am really sorry I haven’t been posting at all. I wish I could make posts about upcoming movies I want to see and have seen, but everything lately is hectic. I’m going to admit that I have been having major and a bit severe anxiety issues (I’ve read lots of helpful articles on it, I should share them…). I’m fine though.

I have a lot of projects I want to and need to work on. Some for school some for not. Right now I’ve got lots to do since I got sick, but I haven’t had a chance to get them done.

I’m really wishing I could’ve made more blog posts this year, but this year just didn’t go as expected, I think I’ve said that before in another post…. oy…. ug well anyway, I do want to start working on a little web-comic or maybe keep writing this story I began telling while playing Villagers and Heroes.

I’m rambling.

I ramble a lot.

I’m a ramblin’ man….. girl… whatever.

So, an update I guess? I joined Nanowrimo with a novel called “Zodiac”. I think I went by a different name as the author. I turned 17 on the 22nd. We got new foster cats. My sister Maria and I went and saw the My Little Pony movie on the 21st. I got my DA (Deviant-Art) account set up (Music-Pixie, – is important, and no there is nothing on my page yet sadly [new thing on to do list]), a few pets died this year but a few came into our lives, I had a pet fish for about 10 hours or something (RIP Tip, the best minnow fish I ever have).

I keep getting this feeling of deja vu but widespread like every single little thing is familiar and has already happened without the specific deja vu feeling.


Okay, so I want to ask you guys one thing. What do you want to see on my blog?

Do you want me to share photos that I’ve gotten? Share stories (made up or not), try drawing pictures (I’m working on several still πŸ˜›), try writing a mini comic? I can share movie and show theories and head cannons, ideas for stories, various other things. Maybe do an FAQ?

I want to hear from you guys more. You guys are the reason why I still have this blog running and didn’t shut it down ages ago. Why I came back after all this time to write again. I want to interact with you guys more. Get you guys to make a comment on the post, share the post with your friends, follow me to hear more and help me reach more people. I really don’t know much about doing that.

I hear stories of 17 year-old doing amazing things, winning gold medals, publishing books… I know it isn’t too common of a thing, but it kinda feels like it and it feels like I should be doing more.

Maybe I could try this idea I just had. Volunteering Vlogs. Telling about Camp Companion! …. Of course I would need a phone and mine died. I am the Milo Murphy of cell phones (had one, it died, got another, we lost it somewhere downstairs πŸ˜›). Really I have no clue if that will go through or not.

So just as a bit of a recap: I’m weird. Yup that’s it have a nice day everybody!……




…. I’m kidding

I just don’t want to keep you guys here reading walls of text (sorry, I know it’s bad πŸ˜›). I won’t be posting often, there’s lots of stuff going on and yet… I’ll try.

So, if you guys have ideas for content I can do, just keep in mind to keep it family friendly and if you like it, to share this place with your friends.

Alright, for real this time, have a nice day everybody, thank you for withstanding my long boring post and an extra thanks to those who wish to leave an idea of some kind of family friendly content. (and no, autumn photography is hard to get right now. Winter has come early to my part of Minnesota. πŸ˜›)


Some fun and some disappointment

Hiya guys! Did you catch the solar eclipse yesterday? If so, then you’re luckier than I. Sadly the ENTIRE Midwest (especially Minnesota, where I live) was under a cloud cover so we didn’t get to see much. For a few moments, however, we did get to see a partial eclipse (it looked like a crescent sun! It was really cool!).

The rest of the day went somewhat well, we went to the Mall of America. My sisters bought some stuff, but I didn’t really see anything that I wanted that I could afford (note to self: bring more than $15 to Mall of America…). One store that I knew I could get some neat stuff at was the Peeps & Company store near Nickelodeon Universe. I was actually kinda excited to go since it was my favorite Mall of America store, since the other major candy store was IT’SUGAR (which contains candies that are NOT MEANT FOR CHILDREN TO SEE, seriously, they have candies that are REALLY … questionable by my book…). So while my mom and Maggie were in a body scrub shop place, we went around the corner to the Peeps store…. only to find some weird generic like place instead. Turns out: It got replaced…. the candy there was… okay. I could buy the same ANYWHERE.

I still feel really disappointed because the only way to get any Peeps stuff now is if a new one pops up (I feel that is VERY unlikely), if I order it online, or if I go to Pennsylvania or Maryland to go to the stores THERE and that is not a very good option. I wrote to the MOA Facebook page asking if there was a chance that it would return and I’m waiting for a response (I asked not long ago).

Well anyway, things got a bit brighter, we ate at the food court, I got Panda Express, and we went to the Alpaca store and I felt the SOFTEST TOY ALPACA I HAVE EVER FELT. It was glorious. It was wonderful. It was $29 dollars. I couldn’t afford to buy it but I decided to try to save up a bunch for the next trip (plus I could get a Pikachu Build-a-bear!). (side note: the creators of Pokemon should come out with a really cute kids game called Peek-a-boo with Pikachu, I mean… that sounds adorable! No idea if it actually exists or not…).

Well I guess that’s all I have for today! I have a fund story about a bug that I want to share, but I have to do that later, I’m running low on time.

Write to you later!

-E. Anne Bell

(p.s, if you guys got some really good pics of the eclipse, share them! I would love to see them!)

Mother Nature’s Frightening Show

Today I thought would be a nice quiet day; drop off Maria at work, take some kittens to an event, and pick up a foster kitten. Well I could not have be more wrong. I’d have to say that the siren’s started at around 4:48 PM because I remember seeing the clock in our car, but I can’t say it for certain.

I should probably illuminate upon this a bit more (though the lightning did that very well): We were caught in a major downpour and tornado sirens went off. At the time we were starting to drive through the wells Fargo parking lot near 37th street Hy-vee in Rochester, Minnesota, and we were trying to find a way to get home due to having a tornado warning go through on the radio. It was about when we were turning around in the parking lot when sirens began to blare and my anxiety level went super high. As we were driving across the street when a bolt of lightning struck a telephone pole’s electrical box causing a small explosion that sounded like fireworks being blasted off nearby. My sister had her window open and I think I felt either a strong blast of wind or a small shock wave, but my sister said her ears were ringing up untill after the event was mostly over. I remember seeing the bright ember sparks fly from the box and hearing the colorful words yelled by my mom, sister, and (I must admit) myself. That is probably the only time I will EVER use that word (I will not post it here, children might be reading).

We were in town because of a Hy-vee Pet parade, but it was canceled and we didn’t get the memo due to my mom’s phone not wanting to work. After the electrical box exploded, I was feeling rather uneasy (okay actually I was already beginning to unbuckle to grab the kittens and dash inside Hy-vee). We dashed into Hy-vee, were promptly soaked, and were escorted by the staff (the awesome, wonderful, awesome, level-headed staff of Hy-vee on 37th street in Rochester Minnesota…) to the back room. Soon we were put into the coolers and while standing in our small one, we passed small kittens around to help people calm down a bit. Standing there in the backroom and cooler, I was shaking, when I was in the cooler, I didn’t feel the cold, I was just shaking. My leg was shaking and I didn’t even try controlling it. I’d have to say, I admire how calm so many of those people were. The Hy-vee staff were just standing there, and talking and sometimes even laughing!

Among the crowds, I saw people who were saying things like “well, there’s a first for everything!” and even a woman who brought her cake back there with her (Maggie thought it was funny, loved it and commented “priorities!”).

Personally, I was sacred, but I’m fine now, and my dad is picking my sister up from work (the storms have receded as far as I know) and I’m just sitting around on my laptop not doing anything other than writing this blog post. The event just seemed like an unreal blur, but I don’t think I’ll be forgetting it anytime soon. I believe there had been a tornado touchdown in Byron, but I haven’t heard of any casualties yet. I pray that everyone is okay in this storm.

The New Doctor Who

The announcement just came to us a few moments ago! In the ever popular TV show “Doctor Who” the titular character, the Doctor, is replaced every so often so the character “regenerates”. Since the beginning of the show, We’ve had William Hartnel, David Tennet, Christopher Eccleston, and the current Peter Capaldi (I’m 100% certain I misspelled at least one of those names) portray this Iconic character. Today we learned that the Doctor’s new face is also the first of its kind….

#DoctorWho #Doctor13 #StillNotAGinger

Today we see the very first female Doctor. I was wondering when that would happen. Jodie Whittaker is intense looking, but I think she would look better with darker hair and maybe longer hair too (could be a biased feeling since I have longer darker hair).

I really don’t know how to feel about this… I’ll keep my mind open and wait for the show to air and see what she does with the role and where she takes it.

-E.A. Bell


banner image found at: https://www.tumblr.com/search/9th%20doctor%20and%20rose


Working, deleting, and trying again and again

Howdy folks! I’m afraid that I won’t be posting my blind bag videos at all. They didn’t turn out very well and I am really, really bummed to say that I had my mom (who was going through the camera’s stuff on her computer) put the stuff in the recycle bin. I’m considering salvaging them and at least TRYING to make them better, maybe re-record the audio or something, but I just feel out of it right now. Out of EVERYTHING.

I’m currently only doing doodles on my graphics tablet in Paint-tool SAI (it’s free if you know where to look) and OpenToonz is SUPPOSEDLY supposed to have a flipbook option but I have yet to figure out where that is and the “help” button in the program isn’t helpful whatsoever.

I’m really trying, but at least I know that my grandfather (who had a major health scare) is okay.

If you guys have ideas of where I could look for free or super-duper uber-doober cheap animation programs with flipbook options, that would be awesome! Comment me if you have advice that you can give. I’m trying to do stuff that is out of my talent range and it’s not going well at all. I feel like I’m conceded or trying to rack up sympathy points or something, and I really hate that.

I’ll keep trying out things over here, maybe I could do some character sketches for a cute animated movie thing I’m planning out and share them. Maybe….
